It was snowing outside. Katty ran slightly towards the beeping oven and she flicked the timer off and popped the mittens onto her hands in one swift moment before pulling the oven’s door open. She pulled the cake out, her eyes soft and loving as she gently placed the moist chocolate cake on the old pine kitchen’s table. She took up the nozzle and start decorating the cake. Her mind focused and she was humming her favorite song, Howl’s Moving Castle by Hayou Miyazaki.
She tried to think of his oak brown hair, his melting golden eyes, the way he grins boyishly flashing his whitish teeth and his husky voice that would melt any girl who heard it including me. She smiled and put the last touch to the dainty little cake. The moist chocolate cake was his favorite dessert.
As she placed the cake inside a small box decorated with flashy shinny pink star, she reminiscence her life with him together before the Russian started to invade the country. As she remembered it, her eyes started to moist when she thought of him. She had not received any news from him since the attack.

When she remembered some of the Navy wives whose husbands died in action to protect the country, she was terrified. She was afraid thinking about bad things might happen to him. A beep and crack sound from the radio suddenly broke the quietness of the room. A newscaster reported about the invasion and the number of people who died and made homeless. It was the irrational and power crazy leaders who are the cause of the war many people lost their loved ones and were homeless.
“Katty, I have been given a task to man the ship and it is my duty as the captain,” said Joey before he left. She cried bitterly after she heard it. They were just newlyweds and he had to fight in the war for the sake of the country. Before they could start their new life as husband and wife, he sent her out of the country to ensure she was safe and promised to write letters to inform his whereabouts. Before he left, he gave her necklace with a locket with a picture both of them smiling merrily.
Suddenly a sound of door bell ringing broke the quietness of the room. She quickly took off her apron and hung it on the hook. “Wait a minute!” she cried out loudly. As she opened the door, there stood a man with a handsome blue and white uniform. He smiled and flash his whitish teeth and say, “Hello sweetheart. Do you miss me?” She gasped and her eyes moist with tears. “Am I glad to see you! You are a sight for sore eyes, Joey!” say Katty and they embraced themselves full of love and compassion.

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